Water and electricity have never been used in a good household: their encounter can create electrical discharges that can bless you (voire you are!) or cause fires… Chez Michel Guimont Entrepreneur Electrician, our team of electric residents residential vous a Let's concoct this blog article so that you can be better equipped to prevent the risks related to electricity in case of flooding. Read what suits you to know more!
Before the flood
When the flood is caused by a natural phenomenon, it is possible that you can prevent it in advance of a venue. In this case, it is better to take preventive measures to ensure the safety of all the occupants of your residence. Monitor among others your electrical appliances that may be found in contact with the water. Make sure that their height is higher than the potential level that the water could reach. Also disconnect the power supply to your home before the liquid can seep inside!
Pendant l'inundation
The authorities are on the mission to remove you from sources of potential danger, related to electricity, contaminants and currents. Follow to the letter all the instructions given to you to ensure your safety. If the firefighters ask you to leave your house, for example, sort it out without delay!
After the flood
Do not enter a room that has been insulated and may contain appliances and electrical cables under tension. Ne remittez pas non plus d'appareils sous tension sans que vous y soyez autorisé. The electrical branches, the breakers, the sockets and the interior lighting devices are all examples of elements that must be verified by a certified electrician before being put back into operation if they have been in contact with the eau ou s'ils ont été submergés. They must in fact be repaired (or replaced) according to precise rules, otherwise you could have future problems.
Chez Michel Guimont Entrepreneur Électricien, les situations d'urgence, ça nous connaît! As experienced residential electricians in Montreal and its environs, we respect all legal obligations during our verifications and our electrical work. These specific procedures are intended to ensure the safety and integrity of your building. Are you a victim of a flood? Contactez-nous!