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Your enterprise concerns the environment and desires to pose significant gestures? The electrical variation is without a doubt a change that presents a great positive impact on the ecological plan! Chez Michel Guimont Entrepreneur Electrician, we effectuons l'installation de bornes de recharge pour les sectors residential et commercial. Pour suivez votre lecture et soyez ready to undertake the electrical virage of your enterprise!

Accommodate your employees or replace your fleet of vehicles

If you want to simply do a first step, you can encourage your employees (current and future!) to purchase electric vehicles by having at their disposal one or more recharge ports. Your employees are continuously on the route? In this case, you can replace a part or an integral part of your fleet of vehicles with electric versions and install a sufficient number of efficient carriers.

Consider the many advantages of rechargeable batteries

Autonomy is less of a problem for electric vehicles, and the chargers of companies allow a quick refill of energy. Your fleet of vehicles, if it applies to your business, will be able to easily carry out different movements.

Les bornes de recharge ont également l’avantage de pouvoir être installées à l’intérieur dès lors que certaines conditions d’installation sont respectées. Ainsi, été comme hiver, les aléas de la température n’incommoderont pas les véhicules stationnés de vos conducteurs.

Recharge ports also have the advantage of being able to be installed indoors if certain installation conditions are respected. So, in summer as in winter, the changes in temperature are n'incommodorent to the vehicles stationed by your drivers.

Take advantage of government financial aid

The program Roulez vert - wallet Branché au travail allows companies that want to buy and sell installers of bornes de recharge to benefit from financial aid. The program allows you to reimburse 50% of your admissible expenses, etc., up to a limit of $ 5000 per connector or wirelessly charged. To be eligible, your carrier must, among other things, be new, powered by a voltage of 120 volts or 240 volts, approved by a recognized body and installed by a qualified electrician.

Your enterprise is ready to take an electric virage? At Michel Guimont Entrepreneur Electrician, our team is qualified to perform a multitude of works for the residential and commercial sectors in Montreal and its surroundings. Contact us for faire installer vos bornes de recharge!

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