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You leave your daily occupations when, suddenly, all the lights cease to function and your appliances cease to function; No doubt, you have an electric pan! At Michel Guimont Entrepreneur Electricien, a company serving the residential, commercial and industrial sectors in Montreal and Laval, we are at heart to contribute to the well-being of our clients. In this blog article, we give you some recommendations to face a current situation. Nice lecture!

Determine the amplitude of the pan

If the pan appears, verify if your neighbors have also lost electricity. Then, with a device connected to the Internet (with Wi-Fi), visit the Web site of Hydro-Québec in the heading Info-pages, a section that contains notably maps showing the places where the pages are currently in progress. If you do not have Internet access, call 1-800-790-2424. Sinon, écoutez la radio (if you have a model à piles or à manivelle). Généralement, you quickly get a picture just of the situation, notably the approximate time of restoration of the current.

Disconnect your devices

To avoid overloading the electrical network and causing a short-circuit (or other damage) when restoring power, unplug your computers, consoles, readers, televisions, briefly, all devices that can emit heat when they usage. Baissez également vos thermostats au minimum. Un conseil : ne laissez qu'une ampoule « allumiume » in the interior and in the exterior.

In cold weather, don't play with fire!

When a pan survives in winter and electricity constitutes the only source of heating, some tend to try heating it with combustion appliances designed for outdoor use. If it is a solution of more danger, because the smoke is not evacuated through a chimney, it can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, or to a fatal asphyxia… rather find a safe place where you can abriter temporairement (amis, parenté, motel, refuge communautaire) et habillez-vous chaudement!

Prepare your home for your absence in winter

It's winter, the pan has become permanent and you must leave your residence for an indefinite period? Hydro-Québec recommande you : Remove the water heater disconnector; Enter your foyer and your cookery; Don't make sure that your refrigerator and your freezer (and your celler, if that's the case) are branched.

Michel Guimont: a name worthy of trust for all your electrical needs

CAA-Québec recommends Michel Guimont Entrepreneur electrician for the conversion of electric heating systems and the installation of recharge sources. An emergency in Grand Montreal? We nous deplaçons 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. C'est pourquoi nous avons été nommés choix du consommateur dans la région de Montréal depuis 10 ans. Téléphonez-nous au 514‑389‑9534 et à vous la tranquillitité d'esprit!

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